• The International Committee on
    Ultra-High Intensity Lasers

About ICUIl

To provide a venue for discussions among representatives of high-intensity laser facilities and members of user communities, on international collaborative activities such as the development of the next generation of ultrahigh intensity lasers, exploration of new areas of fundamental and applied research, and formation of a global research network for access to advanced facilities by users.

How do we characterize high intensities ?

How do we characterize high intensities ? Characterization of focal field formed by a large numerical aperture paraboloidal mirror and generation of ultra-high intensity (1022 W cm-2) .....

How do we get to high laser intensities ?

How do we get to high laser intensities ? In CPA, the ultrashort pulse is not amplified directly, but is first stretched and then amplified, before finally being recompressed. CPA reconciles two apparentl.....

A new milestone in laser plasma accelerator reached by three groups : en route to GeV energies!

Three groups, one in the US at Berkeley, lead by W. Leemans1, one in England, lead by K. Krushelnick2.

1st Asian workshop on Generation and Application of High-Order Harmonics

The 1st Asian workshop on Generation and Application of High-Order Harmonics was held during Feb. 23-25, 2005 at KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. The workshop was organized to provide a forum.

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